Thursday, September 1, 2016


The title has nothing to do with what I'm gonna write about. Heck, I didn't even create an outline for this post because it's just introductory.

Anyway, here's some things about the guy in the pic, Ignacio Toshiaki Tejada, probably the most red guy you will ever see in the entire universe unless you're an actual Red Ranger. I was born in and lived half my life in Japan, and the other half here in the States. Also about 8 months in China. I speak Japanese, English, and some Mandarin Chinese. Spanish? I forgot. I'm also learning a bit of Korean now for fun (becoming able to write in the Korean language system in an hour makes you feel like you're the coolest person in the world).

I'm a mass comm major with a concentration in advertising, and hopefully will minor in Asian studies with a Chinese concentration. Oh yeah, I'm also an executive officer of the Chinese Language and Culture Association (CLCA) in the university. Club meetings will start soon, so keep up with the updates (if I ever write about them here) and feel free to come by!

Also, I may be one of the very few people you know who like Power Rangers. In fact, this blog will be about anything Power Rangers and similar Japanese superhero (Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, etc) related. Whether it be a toy review, an article translated from Japanese, or even about an actor I like from one of the seasons. So yeah, this may be the most boring blog you will ever see unless you're a Ranger fan. But I will keep in mind that the audience of this blog isn't from the Power Rangers fandom.

So why do I like such a cheesy show? Here's an answer for you: I don't know.

OK, I exaggerated a bit. I think it's just natural for me to like it because I've been watching it since I was 1.What attracts me the most is the fact that they "morph" (or transform) into a super hero; they don't just morph silently, the heroes have their own devices that allow them to power up with a freackin' pose and phrase. In real life, you don't have to do that crap. But hey, it's entertainment. It looks cool. That's what matters.

Aside from this blog being about Power Rangers, I will use this opportunity to improve my vocabulary and writing skills. Ever since I started a personal blog again this year after a long hiatus and now that I'm in college, I realized that writing a blog can be way different than writing an essay depending on the content. Since my blog posts may have some degree of variety, it may become challenging. But that's the purpose of me writing this blog.

So yeah, I guess that's about it for now. It's only introductory so hey, what else can I write about? My language skills? That would be really fun actually, but like I said, this blog will be about Power Rangers and super heroes of that ilk.

Unless I become dumb enough to forget about this blog, the next post should be up by the end of the month or whenever we are given a certain date by Professor Pazdera. So util then, good bye!

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